Homework 6: Life Counter
Due April 19
For this assignment, you'll help Ted keep track of each player's life count in the game of Magic: The Gathering.
This is the perfect opportunity to study topics like event handlings and the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern in more details on your own.
The grades for any homework assignments in this class will be based on how well you satisfy the criterias (user stories) we request. If you hit the user stories we ask for, then you'll earn the points. That's it!
This class does not have a style guide for you to follow. So how you choose to write your code is completely up to you. That being said, you should pick a style guide and follow its rules. Remember that your project will still be visible on GitHub and some people, especially recruiters and hiring managers, may evaluate how you code.
A strong understanding of how each layout in Android works will be very useful. Users should be able to use the app in whatever orientation they prefer and in any screen size of the device they own. That means you should select a layout that allows elements to be equally balanced.
A suggestion might be to use Constraint Layout.
Many students struggle when it comes to handling Constraint Layout. I suggest reading online posts and especially tutorials on how to utilize it first before starting your assignment.
But Constraint Layout is not the only answer. If you think creatively, you can also nest Linear Layout inside of a Relative Layout. This will work but a few adjustments will be needed.
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