Hey Sam, I've uploaded my solution to my GitHub repo. But how do I test what I've uploaded to make sure it's working?

That's easy! Clone the repo to a new directory. Now build the app. If you're working on an Android app, then test the app using one of your emulators.

There's a catch! When you open an existing Android project in Android Studio, sometimes you will need to press the Sync with Gradle button in order for the project to actually be properly running. Otherwise, your app might not run!

I'm using VS Code for one of the assignments. Where's the Integrated Terminal I saw you and Ted used during lecture?

You can reach the Integrated Terminal in two ways:

  1. If in your VS code, you can’t find the Integrated Terminal panel, head to View -> Integrated Terminal

  2. Click on either the circular X symbol or the triangular Warning symbol. Then switch to the Terminal tab.

You're set! Now you can run the exact bash script inside this terminal.

The test script isn't working! What do I do?

If, for instance, kotlinc isn’t installed, then you’ll have to find a way to install it first.

For Mac, do it through Homebrew:

  1. Make sure Homebrew is updated: brew update

  2. Install Kotlin compiler: brew install kotlinc

For Windows machines, refer to the official installation guide.

What do I do when I get this error: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing?

When you created your repository, there happens to be a README.md file already inside of it. And so when you do a git push, git will not allow you to do it. That’s because you are trying to push something locally that is “behind” what’s inside the remote repository.

To fix the problem, a simple way is to delete that repo from GitHub. Create a new one of the same name (but this time, don’t let GitHub create a README file for you). Then follow Ted’s instruction to re-route your remote URL, and git push should work.

Do you suggest using a GUI for connecting and utilizing GitHub or should I stick with using the command line interface?

How you want to upload it to GitHub is entirely up to you. For me personally, I’d rather tick with the command line interface (but it's my preference).

As long as your code solution is able to be uploaded to GitHub's cloud servers, everybody is happy.

Last updated